to my humble contribution in a wonderful world of audio. Here you will find most of my journey in searching for the holy grail of audio reproduction. It’s a never ending process spanning some 20 years now which is all about the journey not the destination.
Who am I ?
is a question which often leads to a tedious philosophical contemporary discussion on the nature of the self, so suffice to say I am a person deeply driven for perfection in every aspect of life. Which makes this journey even more difficult at times but deeply rewarding at others. Primarily I consider myself an engineer with a strong analytical and technical mindset but I also have musical education and actively play a couple instruments. This strange combo lets my creative part go full steam and keeps me “out of the box” but at the same time holds me back from going “too far out” when it comes to audio.
Is this Commercial site ?
you may ask. No and Yes. Listen, this hobby is ain’t cheap. I think we can all agree to that. As a consequence I do some commercial stuff like fixing vintage equipment or full blown restorations and upgrades. You can check a small part of my work in the restoration area. I haven’t been actively documenting it all over the years. Also there will be some equipment and services for sale from time to time. Monetizing a hobby is a slippery slope so commerce will never be the primary objective of this site.
It’s not a Blog
in its usual form. You see, I come from an era where people used to share their ideas online and call it “brain dumps” which obviously later gave birth to all this thriving blogging ecosystem that we have now. I find usual blog’s too difficult to navigate so this site has dedicated sections with their corresponding articles. All my random ramblings that didn’t deserve a separate article will be posted in blog as well as notifications for new content, so feel free to subscribe if you feel like it.
It’s not ok
to publish ideas and schematics from this small corner of interwebs as your own, nor is it acceptable to use them for commercial purposes. I see this happening more often these days with original ideas from simple people that get quickly transformed to kits on some commercial site. This site is built in spirit with the DIY community, so feel free to use it for your personal interest, joy and entertainment.