The time has come. I was ignoring DHT tubes for a very long time indeed. But after measuring all of my tube-stash and seeing first hand how spectacularly linear those puppies are I was instantly charmed and the writing was on the wall. I have to build and an AMP with them!
In this second article, I will make a small overview of the design and engineering decisions made in this particular stereo amplifier and their impact on sound quality. There is also some measurements included. Remember the 3020 ? That small black lunch box with few knobs that…
This is a second article about this beautiful Japanese piece of engineering. Be sure to check the first one, where I did the full overhaul, for more pics and not so beautiful details! Kenwood KA-7300 and KA-8300 were build from 1975 to around 1977 with KA-8300 positioned as…